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Active and passive voice with WH questions exercise

Active and passive voice Wh questions exercises

You have learnt how to change the voice of a wh question and now you want to know how your progress is so far?


As Practice makes men perfect, 

I've choosen for you 60 exercises on voice changing of wh questions. 

And also you can solve some MCQs (with score) on the same topic here.

Let’s practice –

Change the voice From active to Passive:

1) Active – Who saved you?

Passive –

2) Active – Who doesn’t need a job?

Passive –

3) Active – Who are playing cricket? 

Passive – 

4) Active – Who is not paying attention? 

Passive – 

5) Active – Who wrote Macbeth?

Passive – 

6) Active – Who have not read this novel yet?

Passive – 

7) Active – Who will look into the matter?

Passive – 

8) Active – Who has stolen her cell phone?

Passive – 

9) Active – What stops you from telling the truth? 

Passive – 

10) Active – What can propel ships?

Passive – 

11) Active – What helps her to remain energetic all the time?

Passive – 

12) Active – What motivates you to rise early everyday?

Passive – 

13) Active – What do you paly?

Passive – 

14) Active – What does she draw? 

Passive – 

15) Active – What are you watching?

Passive – 

16) Active – What is she writing?

Passive – 

17) Active – What was he eating yesterday?

Passive – 

18) Active – What was I snatching from you?

Passive – 

19) Active – What have you done all these days?

Passive – 

20) Active – What had she prepared for us?

Passive – 

21) Active –What hasn’t  he purchased?

Passive – 

22) Active – What should I do now?

Passive – 

23) Active – What will you drink?

Passive – 

24) Active – Whom do you know here?

Passive – 

25) Active – Whom aren’t you going to invite?

Passive – 

26) Active – Whom is she looking for?

Passive – 

27) Active – Whom hasn’t he helped? 

Passive – 

28) Active – Whom shouldn’t we respect?

Passive – 

29) Active – Whom were you going to teach?

Passive – 

30) Active – Which shirt will you put on?

Passive – 

31) Active – Which newspaper do you follow? 

Passive – 

32) Active – Which parcel did he receive? 

Passive – 

33) Active – Which place does she love to visit?

Passive – 

34) Active – what type of dress does he liked to wear?

Passive – 

35) Active – Which car had you bought?

Passive – 

36) Active – What type of tea do you prefer?

Passive – 

37) Active – What kind of pencil have you wanted?

Passive – 

38) Active – When will he submit his copies? 

Passive – 

39) Active – When does Steve play cricket?

Passive – 

40) Active – When did I slap you?

Passive – 

41) Active – When does Mary meet her?

Passive – 

42) Active – When have they go against your will?

Passive – 

43) Active – When hadn’t John looked down upon us?

Passive – 

44) Active – Why won’t you take away his name?

Passive – 

45) Active – Why don’t they allow him to join the party? 

Passive – 

46) Active – Why has he stopped the car here?

Passive – 

47) Active – Why hadn’t Ricky take care of his mother before?

Passive – 

48) Active – Why was Rita calling you?

Passive – 

49) Active – Why are you wasting time for no reason?

Passive – 

50) Active – How do you know my name?

Passive – 

51) Active – How could she solve it alone?

Passive – 

52) Active – How did you father learn to drive a car?

Passive – 

53) Active – How can I bear with such humiliation? 

Passive – 

54) Active – How does Brie manage everything despite her sheer work-pressure? 

Passive – 

55) Active – How had they lost the game? 

Passive – 

56) Active – Where have you seen the bearded man?

Passive – 

57) Active – Where do you park your car?

Passive – 

58) Active – Where did Sahil keep up with that queer fellow?

Passive – 

59) Active – Where did you get the notes from?

Passive – 

60) Active – Where has she heard the bad news?

Passive –

Thank you...

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  2. Who plays cricket?
    What is played by him? (incorrect) but When we prefer passive form our focus should be on passive sub(Obj) but as we make it passive Whom is cricket played by? Sense of the both sentences remain same


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